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Negev Institute

NISPED was the original part of the organization; AJEEC grew out of it later as a new initiative. Today, its role is to work with international development, conducting training courses and advancing regional and international initiatives involving community resilience, leadership development and conflict resolution.

A direct correlation exists between  communities’ socio-economic prosperity, peace-building and conflict resolution. Societies that live in peace and have good neighborly relations increase their chances for socioeconomic prosperity. Societies in which the majority of people live with adequate socio economic security will have greater levels of intra-community and cross-community peace.

NISPED focuses its work on communities in transition, emphasizing civil society and a people to people approach.

International Programs

For the past 20 years AJEEC-NISPED has been training community leaders, and directors of enterprises from developing countries.

We conduct training programs in the following areas:

  • Promotion and development of cooperatives and social enterprises.
  • Informal education and leadership.
  • Maternal and child health.
  • Women’s Empowerment as a mean to Community Development
  • Community resilience and emergency preparedness.
  • Community development in on the edge of the desert.
  • Agricultural for Rural Development.

All of our training programs use community-based approach and combine theoretical studies with first-hand experience from state-of-the art models that have shown success in the field.

Our training facilities are located in Beer Sheva and include modern classrooms, accommodation, dining and leisure facilities.

In addition, we offer consultancy services for the development and implementation of projects in these areas.

Cooperative Training Center


NISPED seeks to cooperate with institutions in Israel and elsewhere that share our interests and approach. Foremost among these are the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), CEDP – Cooperative Europe Development Project and CIDP – Cooperative International Development Project, the cooperative branch of the ILO and the Israeli cooperative movement and IsraAID. We are recognized as a cooperative training center by the Global HRD Committee of ICA, by COPAC (the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives, whose members include the ILO, the ICA and the FAO), as well as by MASHAV (which is the Center for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel).

Click here For the CEDP REPORT of Good pracrices in international Coopertaive development 

Since the founding of NISPED, the programs and Development Projects has engaged thousands of students and cooperatives leaders from Africa, Asia, South America including China, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, Nigeria, South Sudan, DRC, Republic of Congo, Zambia, Haiti, the Palestinian Authority Jordan and more.

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